Okay, so Danielle and I have been relatively addicted to 24 since I bought the first 3 episodes of season 1 on iTunes. There was a time that my chat avatar was the CTU seal and whenever I rec'd an email it sounded the 24 phone ring (buh-buh-baah-buh). I've since stopped that, but enjoy the ring every once in awhile.
We own all but the last season on DVD and I've been Googling about the next season for months! So I have been looking forward to Redemption. I must say I was not disappointed! I won't give anything away for those waiting for DVR time or the DVD's on Tuesday, but Jack's back. Don't miss the preview for next season at the end. Looks to be a good season in store.
Now I just have to figure out how to time travel so I don't have to wait the week between shows! That and I started watching LOST this year. With 2 highly anticipated weekly dramas to keep tabs on, January might be shot for my GTD!
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