
Let It Go

“Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of- GOD. Give her everything she deserves! Festoon her life with praises!”
Proverbs 31:30-31 MSG

Proverbs 31: I'm not qualified to discuss this chapter of Proverbs. Nothing I could write would bear weight. I simply can't stand in the shoes of today's women and understand the various demands of time, energy, or emotion on their lives.

I read this chapter and think, "sounds like a tough standard to meet!" If I imagine my wife, or most other women, reading this I may have a different opinion. Then I may think, "Lemuel was a sexist pig and this chapter is complete BS! Cooking, cleaning, sewing, selling, working from dawn to dark while the hubby sits on the street corner waxing philosophically with the other lazy bones‽ Thanks...no...Hell To The No!"

So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to say today, let each other off the hook. Don't look at this chapter as the standard for womanhood. Don't compare yourself to this list, in the same way airbrushed, photoshopped, fantasies shown in magazines aren't the standard for beauty.

Instead, be uniquely you. Instead, men and women, live in the Fear-of-God. Live constantly leaning on God's word for you, and the promises he's given. The person, woman or man, to be admired is the one living completely dependent on God, completely given to his plan and purpose. Allow his plan to work itself out in your life. Be whole and complete in him. Let go of any other standard—they're all impossible!

Be confident in who God created you to be today! Be who you are in Him! Live freely before him. All the rest is performance, and perfect performance is not our objective. Perfect trust in God is—and we miss the mark there all the time too! Don't give up! Live full-hearted! Live free!

Blessings to you, today and always! –M

[Thanks to all who've followed along through Proverbs this past month. I hope 2016 is off to a good start. For many I know it's a rough go already. Hugs and prayers to you in this season. Keep moving forward! Hillsong's "Broken Vessels" 👌]

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